
Book cvover The Gate - R.M.Diller
Book cover Reforming Church - Keith Ferrante
Cover LP - Kettle
Book cover Mud Crab Kingdom - Joel Anthony Hamilton
Book cover "A Gathering Darkness" - Linsey LaVan
Book cover "My Brother, The King" - Jubilee Lipsey
Book cover "A Forest of Vanity and Valour" - A.P. Beswick
Book cover "Borrowed Time" - Janice Overbeck
Book cover "The Long Walk" - Ron Schwab
Book cover "Molten Gold" - L.D.Smith
Book cover "Players and Protection Magick to Destroy Witchcraft" - Glinda Porter

À propos

Creativo Online & Director de Arte Senior

Campañas publicitarias, dirección de arte, web design, mobile/APP, IU-UX, naming, soluciones de branding e identidad corporativa. Podría definirme como un creativo autodidacta y proactivo, con una buena dosis de intuición y al que le gusta pensar que logra marcar una diferencia en las cosas que hace.

Puedes ver una muestra de mis trabajos en mi portfolio www.beherenow.es

Pays: Espagne. Membre depuis: 18 février 2020
Niveau Intermédiaire




"JC is the best designer and delivers promptly! I've been using him for all of my book covers and I always receive the best compliments on his art :) Very happy with JC and his beautiful talent!"
Image de profilMeganao évalué il y a 12 jours
"Great designs. No issues."
Image de profilMeganao évalué il y a 3 mois
"We LOVE JC! This is our second project with him, and he's always a true joy to work with! Skilled, patient, creative. We definitely hope to work with him again!"
Image de profilRachel Curtis évalué il y a environ un an
"JC is the absolute best!"
Image de profilMeganao évalué il y a environ un an
"Thank you so much, JC for your beautiful work! "
Image de profilMeganao évalué il y a plus d'un an