
Book Cover for a High Fantasy Novel
An Action-Adventure Novel with Time Travel
Historical Fiction Novel about 1926 New York Rangers hockey team.
Creative Book Cover for a young-adult fiction novel
Design a Masterpiece Fantasy Book Cover
Book cover for a fantasy series based on elemental magic
Book cover : Becoming What You Are
Book Cover : Ein Oberstudienrat auf Abwegen
Book cover illustration : Die Ehre der treudoofen Schafe
Design a book cover Stephen King meets Harry Potter - fictional, murder, chaos and magic-suspense Fantasy Based on True
Divided by the Seasons
Late Winter - Dystopian-Dirty Realism

À propos

CREATE TO EXIST... Digital painting
Artistic creations / portfolio> http://romainbonnet.net

Membre depuis: 1 septembre 2012
Modèle web
Niveau Intermédiaire




"The designer was incredible to work with. He provided a cover that captured everything I was going for and exceeded it. I was blown away when I opened his submission. He was very responsive and happily made changes when I requested them. I really enjoy..."
Client anonyme évalué il y a 3 mois
"Thank you for this nice evaluation. Looking forward to working with you again, you are very pleasant."
Image de profilflamenco72 répondu il y a 3 mois
"Artist gave us a stunning concept and did changes quickly and perfectly. We are so happy with his work. Thank you!"
Image de profilsales cs évalué il y a 4 mois
"Thank you very much, it was a pleasure working with you."
Image de profilflamenco72 répondu il y a 4 mois
"Delivered quickly and design looked great!"
Image de profilgbankoJ évalué il y a 5 mois
"Excellent. Did a great job helping the vision come to light. "
Image de profilgbankoJ évalué il y a 6 mois
"Thank you so much!"
Image de profilflamenco72 répondu il y a 6 mois
"It was a pleasure to work with this talented artist. He understood my vision and executed it better than I imagined. He was generous and patient with my suggestions and tweaks (only to discover his ideas were the way to go all along). I really val..."
Image de profilbryanreilly6P évalué il y a 6 mois
"Thank you Bryan, it was a pleasure meeting you and being able to work with you."
Image de profilflamenco72 répondu il y a 6 mois