
A minimalist logo for Men's Networking Group
A Techy Translucent Logo for a Web Augmentation Platform
Bold Logo for an Auto Parts Manufacturer
An elegant logotype for a community-centric café
A clean wordmark for an online pharmacy
Bold Logo for a Software Agency
Cover for a book analyzing the Nausicaä manga
Celestial Logo for a Record Label
Logo for a Community Land Trust
Negative Space Logo idea for a Horse Farm
Logo for BrainGrapes
Initials logo concept for movie production company

À propos

I am a curious lover of the everyday and ordinary, eager to recognize and celebrate its beauty and value. Professionally speaking, I am a master engineer of interior architecture working as a graphic designer.
With more than 10 years of experience crafting unique visual solutions and guidelines for brands and art projects, I have gained a wide range of knowledge and skills that make my world more interesting, and the world of others, more visible.

Membre depuis: 26 avril 2012


"An excellent job was done to create the company's branding. I like fikandzo's ability to come up with new, bold solutions and not be afraid of rejection."
Client anonyme évalué il y a 5 jours
"Excellent collaboration and quick response to requested changes. I would also like to note the designer’s creative approach to ideas and ability to understand the customer’s wishes I recommend"
Client anonyme évalué il y a environ un mois
"Fikandzo was spot-on, flexible and has given us a very creative design that we are happy with. "
Image de profilnicholaI1 évalué il y a 2 mois
"What an amazing designer with a keen and playful eye"
Client anonyme évalué il y a 6 mois
"A designer who does impeccable work from start to finish. Despite the challenging request of a "simple yet dual-meaning logo design" as the order, he proposed several designs with differing approaches. Thanks to this, it feels like the logo design..."
Image de profilneftworks évalué il y a 8 mois