Ce concours est fini. Félicitations au designer gagnant cing2
Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
Illumination Psychological Testing
Slogan à ajouter au logo
Description de la société et de son public cible
Psychological testing, assessments, and evaluations for all ages, toddlers through late adulthood. We do testing for school (psycho-educational), neurodiversity (autism, ADHD), social-emotional (anxiety, mood), personality, intellectual / cognitive / developmental, etc. We provide comprehensive reports that provide diagnoses, as well as strengths and treatment planning.
We do not want anything cheesy or over-used - like a brain or a light-bulb. Illumination Psychological Testing is the "cousin-company" to Spectra Therapies + Evaluations (https://spectratherapies.com). We want there to be a similarity in logo but not too much; we also welcome submissions that have very little to no similarity to the other logo. Overall, Spectra is more about neurodiversity in contrast to the new company, Illumination, which is meant to be much more general in our audience. Thank you!
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Le texte des logos doit être converti en vecteurs.