Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
Digits Accountancy
Slogan à ajouter au logo
Description de la société et de son public cible
“Digits Accountancy” ( will be an online accountancy firm for UK based limited companies and contractors. The accountancy will make use of custom built online web software which their clients will be able to login to service all their financial accountancy needs through an online portal.
We would like to see a logo which is a play on the digital/online aspect of the brand as well as digits being a word for numbers. The name of the company is “Digits Accountancy” and the name is two words but could be either upper or lowercase. We haven’t selected a corporate font yet and hope this will be inspired by or come out of the logo. We see our main body copy being a quite clean sans-serif based font and ideally we would want to use a google font ( so we are unrestricted in terms of font licencsing for headings on our web-site.
The company is brand new and is being setup by a young couple from the UK who have a combined work background in finance and the web and have decided to start out on their own by create a new internet based accountancy. Working together they will form a friendly, modern, fresh online accountancy away from the more traditional styled accountancy firms.
Secteur d'activité
Comptabilité et finance
Style graphique
Types de logo

Logo à utiliser
- Impression (cartes de visite, en-têtes de lettres, brochures, etc.)
- En ligne (site internet, publicité en ligne, bannières publicitaires, etc.)
Couleurs préférées
D'autres exigences de couleur
Inspiration de design
Pièces jointes
Autres notes
The important aspect of our brand is that we will be using bespoke online software which will enable our customers to check on their accounts 24/7. We will perform book keeping and account filing for our customers who will be small Ltd companies and contractors. We will be convient for our customers and will appeal particularly to the tech savvy who want visibility, clarity and simplicity that an online accountancy will offer them.
Fichiers livrables
Fichiers finaux
Si vous utilisez des polices qui nécessitent une licence, vérifiez auprès du client qu'il est d'accord. Pour des raisons de licences, il est mieux de fournir au client les informations sur comment acquérir la police plutôt que de fournir les fichiers actuels.
Le texte des logos doit être converti en vecteurs.