Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
Slogan à ajouter au logo
wheels and tires made easy
Description de la société et de son public cible
We are an established ecommerce business that sells wheels and tires in the Canadian market
Secteur d'activité
Style graphique
Couleurs à explorer

D'autres exigences de couleur
Inspiration de design
Pièces jointes
Autres notes
We currently have a logo that was designed 5 years ago that we are looking to update.
Our audience is predominantly males between the ages of 20-60
We are looking for something more on the geometrical side that is a bit edgier, sportier and more aggressive than what we currently have, but still staying neutral enough not to push away other demographics.
We're looking to potentially work with our winner down the line for other designs and want to continue building out our brand with them.
A few criteria:
The logo must be presentable on a white or black background
We are looking for a logotype, not a standalone logo (full brand name must be used) but also need the ability to use part of it as an icon/watermark
We require a greyscale version as well
We want our logo to have the entire word "wheelwiz" in it, either in fully uppercase or lowercase letters
We would like to have an "icon" of a wheel or tire somewhere in the logo, but this is not a requirement. On top, bottom, either side, or blended into the words
We have a preference for a long horizontal logo rather than a tall/square/circular logo
We like the look of a logo that has depth and dimension
We have a preference for Sans Serif fonts to create a usable icon
We like the idea of incorporating a wheel or tire into the logo. 2 very iconic wheels have been attached as inspiration
Fichiers livrables
1 x Logo
Gagnant du concours
1 x Guide de marque
Fichiers finaux
Si vous utilisez des polices qui nécessitent une licence, vérifiez auprès du client qu'il est d'accord. Pour des raisons de licences, il est mieux de fournir au client les informations sur comment acquérir la police plutôt que de fournir les fichiers actuels.
Le texte des logos doit être converti en vecteurs.
We like a bold outline