Web design - Landing page (lead conversion)
service de Web page design
You'll receive a single page website design that is focused on converting new leads. It'll show the immense value of the product/service/course you have to offer, quickly build trust with your potential users/customers by displaying your expert status.
It will be professional, considered, and sharp, with an aesthetic design language style that elevates your brand and helps you convert leads. It will be user-friendly, responsive on all devices and focused on a singular call to action.
This package is perfect for you if your goal is get leads to: Sign up to newsletter, buy your product/service, donate to your charity, subscribe to your podcast/youtube channel, share your content, pre-order your product, or buy your latest book.
Ce que vous obtiendrez
+ Fully responsive design (works beautifully on desktop, tablet or mobile)
+ Wordpress-friendly design
+ Bootstrap grid
+ Google fonts
+ Invision prototype
+ PSD - fully layered, named, grouped, and colour coded
+ Sketch - organized symbols, layer and text styles, fully organised.
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