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Get the Premium Website Subscription

US$9 999
n'inclut pas les 5 % de frais de plateforme
environ un mois

service de Web page design

Everything in one place for just $9.999 per month.

This service include website design, coding, UX research, WordPress dev and support, static website coding, animations and everything you might need for your business to run smoothly.

One task at the time.
Full payment released at the start of the month, for that month, which will be subscription for that month.
Workdays, from Monday to Friday, weekends off.
No refund.

Drop me a message :)

Ce que vous obtiendrez

One task at the time.

Envoyez un message à Milutin Aleksic pour demander cette prestation

Vous devriez obtenir une réponse dans les 24 heures.

Connectez-vous ou créez un compte gratuit pour demander ce service.