
Available vet logo
Nyanstop Icons
Go Marmot Go
Sheet Shark
Puppy & Co
Dogs & Dragons
Chewy Loaf
2 weirdos travel


"Angela was fantastic, she built a great logo for me, and brought a strong point of view. I had some initial (complex) design ideas, but she (correctly) convinced me eventually they were too complicated and I should go for something more elegant/simple. "
Client anonyme évalué il y a environ un mois
"Angela is a terrific partner!"
Image de profilfiggilanD évalué il y a 5 mois
"Angela is always such a pleasure to work with. This was a follow up project after she helped us put together our branding kit. The icons complemented the original work so well."
Image de profilfae.carle2 évalué il y a 7 mois
"Excellent service from Angela. "
Client anonyme évalué il y a 9 mois
"Great ideas and lovely collaborator, I LOVE where we ended up!"
Image de profilfiggilanD évalué il y a 9 mois