Design Brief:
Hi, for illustration I would have liked to have had my two main characters in the foreground, back-to-back looking at each side. Maybe put the young man on the right?
So my two characters are:
a young man (as said before), half-long black hair, gray-green eyes, in medieval armor. If it can look like the one on the cover of my first book (attached file), it would just be perfect.
And a young woman, half-long blond hair also (up to the shoulders), blue eyes.
Both have a bite on the right forearm (very important), that of the man returns a purple light, while that of the woman, a light blue.
Behind them, I will have seen on the side of the young woman, humans (still alive I mean) with bows that aim/shoot on an external threat. Same thing on the young man's side but they're zombies (yes it's a bit weird, but that's the plot of the book) and they would have guns.
For the bottom, ruins in a forest if you can.
For the writing font, I'll give you the choice.